Friday, August 12, 2011

Crossin' boundaries.

Sorry it's been such a long time since my last post! I didn't get much computer time in Rangeley, even though we were there for a few days. And even  right now, I'm using it all up on the ever-enticing Facebook. Sorry.


For starters, right now I am in Gorham, NH. Home sweet homestate. It felt so good to hike over the border a couple of days ago! And the day before, we hiked the *scary music cue* Mahoosic Notch! It's basically a playground of huge boulders that you have to climb under, around, and over. It's only a mile loong, but it's supposedly the hardest mile of the whole Appalachian Trail. It was a ton of fun, but only because it was sunny! We were going to hike it the day before, but 10 minutes into the hike Emily got a bee sting on her finger. :(

Another notable sad thing. We hiked ALL the way through Maine and didn't see a single moose. Darn you, Maine!

We stopped in Bethel, ME about a week ago with some friends we caught up with (Kool Breeze and Tortoiseshell)  at a really nice campground and showered and washed our clothes, but most importantly...we watched Harry Potter 7, Part 2!!! It was amazing. I spent an hour after just realizing that a large part of my childhood is over. I had been wating for that moment since I picked up the Sorcerer's Stone off the shelves in Mr. Dunbar's classrrom in 3rd grade. Wow.

Back to all this hiking business...

A few days before Bethel, we stopped at Dunn Notch where there were some gorgeous waterfalls on a side trail. So we swam in one of the pools below the Upper Falls for about an hour and a half before continuing on our hike that day. It was cold, but wonderful. Today and yesterday have been gorgeous, but it has been heavily raining on and off for the past week and a half. Ugh. But no worries, only the boots got wet. And now they are dry!

Views. Old Blue Mountain was beautiful, and from there we could see many mountains ahead, including Baldpate, and Mount Washington (which we will climb 2 or 3 days from today).

Berries. We stoppped and filled two Gatorade bottles full of blueberries on Bemis Mt., and yesterday picked blueberries, raspberries, and a few elusive blackberries!

Anyway, sorry I'm such a slow typer, but my time's up and we've got hiking to do!!!

Happy trails and love to all,
